Monday, January 28, 2008


Haiku are easy

but sometimes they don't make sense



Hydrocephalic, I say!


There once was a man,

from Nantucket, oh no!

I'm in the wrong blog!

Oh Google, Google

voice activation please!

"Google, find me porn!"

Saturday, January 26, 2008

On Roman Numerals

Vicodin. Or, wait.
Six Codeine. Is that right? Please
Take the Jack from me.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

guest haiku from db

Guest poet db weighs in with some paronomasiac reflections:

     She loved my sonnets,
I thought, 'til she said to me:
     "Kid, it's all been Donne."

Then he tests the suppleness of the form (& gives us a touch of whiplash) with some envelope-pushing vulgarity (linguistic & otherwise):

     bitches hos 'n tricks
thatz all women iz 2 me
     (God, I'm so alone.)

What's interesting about the above is the way that the supposedly dominant voice of the first two lines—the internet-inflected tones of today's disaffected youth—gives way in the final line to the conventionally capitalized & enduring voice of loneliness—which, though the poet may try to suppress it (the parentheses here are doing some tense work), is what finally emerges from the constantly-shifting morass of internet-lingo.

In the last haiku of this set, db returns to some good old-fashioned sentiments that surely we the people can get behind (or in front of!):

     When she smiled at me
A voice from my heart sang out,

It's as though db tempts us with the density that lies just beneath the surface of his tersest work—which is remarkably suited to the haiku as form—only to retract it forcibly in numbers like these, which defy our instincts as literary critics (though one notes, even here, the recurrence of the "multiple voices" theme, as the "voice from my heart" offers up a critique of the situation to hand that runs counter to what we—& perhaps db is here gesturing not only toward our readerly expectations but allying us forcibly with the first line's "primary" voice—have learned to expect from cliché like the smile of a [pretty] girl. Smiles & beauty go together under the conventional poetic idiom, but db challenges our received notions of what a smile can signify).

We're pleased with db's contributions & hope to read more of his work in the future.


between pretension & pretentiousness

     Fingerprints on glass:
one wipes them away once, twice—
     but it's still raining.


Monday, January 21, 2008

extraterrestrial haikus.

on a recent ufo sighting.
went to stephenville,
looking for a u.f.o.
only found cow flop.

on alien existence.
aliens exist!
i swear! look man! i have proof!
this probe is itchy.

on rescue.
sigourney weaver,
i beseech you! please save us
from martian outlaws!

on regional demeanor.
outerspace beings
from uranus are a bunch
of spacious assholes.

on alien literature.
martian of venice

was shakespeare's private project.
so was ham(l)E.T.

on wookies.
if wookies really

exist, we are in for some
large piles of crap.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

i-35 haikus

(most of these ended up being about me peeing in a bottle on the road...
i'm sorry).

on the urge to relieve myself.
bumpy highway stretch
causes some pee to come out.
where is that bottle?

on bad highway bathroom manners.
why am i gun-shy?
it's the trucker staring down
from his big rig.

on waco, tx.
Jesus on Brazos
Waco needs a wakeup call
Jesus on Jose

on west, tx.
yo, czech this out, son.
the town of West lies east of
i-thirty five, yo.

on alternative road rage methods.
hey, you, S.U.V.
thanks for cutting me off, ass.
here comes my piss can.

Friday, January 11, 2008

meat haikus

on ham.
tasty, tasty ham,

are you offended by Spam,
your bastard offspring?

on steak.
i wish i could eat
you every night and day.
i would marry you.

on porkchops.
if i were jewish,
i would not discriminate.
nevermind kosher.

on ribs.
i have been tempted
to remove and grill my own.
doctors disapprove.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

technology haikus.

on robots.
i tremble in fear
when metal footsteps draw near.

magnet gun, PROTECT!


on mousepads.

not sure if this counts

as technology, but i
am opposed to mice.

on software.

there is nothing plush
about metallic cds

rubbing against flesh.


on "i".

iif i isee

inother item iwill

instantly ignite.

on cell-phones.

zack morris died from

lugging around a cell-boat
thanks, technology.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

food haikus.

on hotdogs.
oh, mystery meat
meet my stomach with fury
furry creature taste.

on pumpkins.
jack-o-lantern meat
"i wish someone would cut me."
you are so emo.

on nanners.
i mean bananas

this shit is nanners.

on cucumbers.
don't lie to yourself.

grocery store fantasy
golden girl love gourd.